University calculator

This tool presents admission policies of medical schools from 2019. It is a little out of date but may still be useful to some people. Because of this, we have kept it live whilst we work behind the scenes updating the tool!
Please use this feature with caution during the BETA stage of its development; there may be some inaccuracies whilst we tweak algorithms and complete our datasets. We encourage you to always refer to official University guidance before submitting any applications. You can help improve this project by submitting feedback: Leave feedback
This calculator is designed to highlight medical schools that you may not have considered. It uses publically available data and performs numerous calculations to consider your eligibility for each university's medicine programme, including any potential access to their widening participation schemes.

Which universities can I apply to?

We use this to evaluate your widening participation status and to calculate each university's distance from home. This field is optional.
We use this to evaluate your widening participation status. This field is optional.

Tick all that apply:

We use this to evaluate your widening participation status, as some universities lower your grades if your school meets their criteria. This field is optional.
We use this to evaluate your widening participation status, as some universities lower your grades if your school meets their criteria. This field is optional.

Consent Information: